The Tao Of Water

Andre Philippe Laisney
2 min readJan 3, 2022
Photo by Jong Marshes on Unsplash

“The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It flows to low places loathed by all men. Therefore it is like the Tao.”- Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu.

I like the look of water clinging effortlessly to a low basin. The still water of a lake. I like the look of the rock at the bottom of the hill. I am not compelled to push the rock up the hill. But I am not water, I have my own energy which compels me to create and to move myself and which makes me feel lazy when I do not.

I am not water. I am full of energy and become nervous and anxious with prolonged stillness. Still I like the look of the rock at the bottom of the hill.

Water can be churned up by energy into great crashing waves, without being concerned. It knows full well that it will return in time to the quiet still basins.

But, I am not water. I long to be like the water in a flowing stream where some energy would become one with me and move me peacefully yet purposefully along, going somewhere happily while going nowhere happily. A lazy, happy wandering stream.

I am not water, but I am mostly water.

Only the little bit of energy inside me is nervous and anxious.

This energy within me, that I think is me, clings to the water that is me, hoping to learn it’s Tao so that it can…

